Breaking up with Burgers Breaking up with Burgers Breaking up with Burgers Breaking up with Burgers

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fresh and Fu-ull of Life!

The old bloggety blog here is going to get a design update soon! And not the rinky-dink job I did using blogger's design tool, either.

Nothing but the best for you guys. Nothing but the best.

A big shout out to my pal Tricia over at Tricia Nae Designs who is going to take on the task! Go visit her and get yourself a fancy-schmancy new blog 'do. (But let her get to mine first, she's a busy lady. lol) 

I'm sure it will be a while before Mr. Blog here gets his new digs, but I'm super excited that it's in the works.

Have a great Friday, lovelies!

1 comment:

Tricia Nae said...

Got your email today!! :) I'll be emailing you back this weekend or monday...but I CAN'T WAIT!! We shall make it awesome!! :)