Breaking up with Burgers Breaking up with Burgers Breaking up with Burgers Breaking up with Burgers

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stupid or Clever?

The Hubs sent me this picture of the outgoing mailbox in our apartment building.

Is the sender just really dumb, or are they trying to get away with something? Either way, I don't think this letter will get very far.


Mrs. S. said...

Seriously as novel as it may seem-I am with you. Who does that?

Laura Belle said...

LOL! you know what's even more hilarious: my brother calls my dad one day (while addressing his wedding invites) and asked what the 'big' stamp on the front of the book is worth. My Brother, "Like, is for packages?" My Dad, "Why don't you mail it and find out, son."

I busted a gut when my dad told me that!

Even smart people (which is so super book smart) do idiotic things. LOL!

Anonymous said...

eh, I don't get it, please explain

Upholstery Cleaning said...

Funny one!

Anna said...

Anonymous- That is not a stamp, it's the sticker from the pack of 20 stamps.

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